Sunday, August 23, 2015

Back to School!

Dear Parents,

It seems like the summer flew by and we are starting to get ready to go back to school.  Throughout fifth and sixth grades, we focus on teaching students the importance of having good organizational skills in preparation for middle school.  Below you will find a list of recommended supplies that will be helpful for students to have in case you want to buy early and take advantage of the “Back to School” sales.  Once school starts and everyone has brought in his or her materials, we will label the folders and organize the binders together.  Please send an email if you have any questions, and we look forward to working with you and your child this year.

Recommended Supplies

 -a three-ring binder that either zips or has a Velcro fastener

 -two one-subject wide rule notebooks (preferably perforated)

 -one two-pocket folder for each subject, a total of six (It is suggested to use the following colors for uniformity among the class: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple)

  -a separate folder, a different color from the others, to use for taking homework and other important papers to and from school

  -colored pencils (some students prefer their own)


 -pencils and pens for correcting work

  -a box of tissues, disinfecting wipes, and/or Magic Erasers would be greatly appreciated

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns,

Thank you,

         Sarah Moylan                            Jenny Finnie